
Welcome to the online companion for Data Science Foundations and Machine Learning Using R, a hands-on and intuitive introduction to the exciting field of data science—no prior programming or analytics experience required.

Inspired by the principles of open science and reproducibility, this book embraces transparency. The code, datasets, and materials are freely available on CRAN through the liver package (https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=liver), enabling readers to engage with the content interactively.

Book cover

The latest version of this book is available online at https://uncovering-data-science.netlify.app. The source code for this site is maintained on GitHub, ensuring continuous updates and improvements.

Work in Progress

This book is an evolving project, and we welcome feedback from readers. If you have suggestions, corrections, or ideas for improvement, we encourage you to reach out:

Your input is invaluable in making this book a better resource for the data science community!

Book by Reza Mohammadi is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

The book website is hosted on Netlify.